BBQthingz™ | BBQthingz Blogs, BBQ Tips & Grilling Tricks

The Great 4th of July Steakhouse Steak-burger | BBQthingz Recipes & Blogs 1
The succulent Steakhouse Steakburger is the best burger to grill on 4th of July for so many tasty reasons! Hard to find a proper one in a restaurant and even harder to make at home. It's a beast, about 3/4-inch thick, weighing in at 8 ounces! It wastes no space on the bun. Read Full Recipe Here >>- Justin Jordan
- Tags: 4th of july backyard grilling Burger recipe grilling recipe hamburger recipe

BBQthingz™ | How to select the right wood for your smoker. 0
When buying wood for smoking, aside from getting a hardwood with a pleasant smoke, look for wood of good quality. Large amounts of bark, resins, and impurities will produce noxious smoke that will be counterproductive, regardless of the type of wood you are using. Good quality wood for smoke is as important as selecting the right kind of wood for the food you are smoking.- Justin Jordan

BBQthingz™ | How to grill the perfect ribeye steak on a gas grill? 0
Want to grill the perfect ribeye steak on a gas grill? Well then keep reading! Cooking ribeye steak on a gas grill is a relatively simple job and one that is most rewarding. Ribeye does best when cooked on a high heat, so be sure to preheat the grill prior to cooking.- Justin Jordan

BBQthingz™ | Beer Chicken Recipe - Chicken with Orange Wheat Beer Sauce 0
For this beer-chicken recipe, we are using a full-flavored Orange-Wheat beer brewed locally in Redlands, CA at Hangar 24 Craft Brewery! One of our favorite local breweries!- Justin Jordan